Thursday, January 8, 2009


This is not good. Amanda, my best friend in the whole world, my cousin, more like my sister, is engaged. To a man she's known less than a year. Known, not just dated. I love her more than anything, but this scares me to death. I'm glad she's found someone to love and everything, but he's taking her seven hours away. She's moving to Kentucky this fall and they're getting married before she's even done with college.

This caused a big argument between us. She thinks I'm being selfish for not completely accepting this engagement, but how can I? I don't hardly know this guy enough to approve, and nobody is really crazy about this whole thing. I mean, its better than her being engaged to her last boyfriend, much better, but still..I'm just so scared.

Ever since we were little we always planned that she was going to be my MOH and I was going to be hers. Well, we both said some things we didn't mean, and it left us both hurt and heartbroken. She definitely doesn't want me to be her Maid of Honor now.

I can't believe I'm losing my best friend in the whole world over this. She thinks I'm being selfish because I don't completely accept it.

I don't know what to think. This blog probably doesn't even make any sense.

Thoughts, please?


Saturday, January 3, 2009

I'm surprised at myself.

I honestly didn't think this trip was going to go very well. I was dreading spending New Years away from Adam and my home, and I was really worried about the plane ride and spending so much time with my family. Arizona actually hasn't been all that bad, though. The Grand Canyon was super boring after like, the first lookout point, but my family and I still made jokes and had fun and everyone seemed to be in pretty good spirits. I've actually enjoyed their company a lot.

Phoenix is so beautiful. I don't think I could actually live here, but who knows. The weather is so amazing, and the Arizona sun is intoxicating. I would love the atmosphere of living in a suburb close to a big city like Phoenix, but I just don't like the fact that grass doesn't grow here and it gets to be 115 degrees in the summer. I'd like to find a place that has all 4 seasons, and a place that is peaceful, but is only miles away from bustle. I really don't want that place to be Illinois, but you never know. I'll just take whatever life throws at me, I guess. I'll be happy as long as I have a roof over my head.

Friday, January 2, 2009

I guess it is time to do this...

New Year's Resolutions, anyone? I'd really like to hear yours. I've thought about mine, and for now, they are as follows:

1. I really need to communicate more with my parents. This has caused a lot of problems in the past year, and it really needs to change.

2. I have got to stop being so reckless with my money. I can't really hold down a job right now, so the only money I get is a monthly check from my parents. Between gas and groceries (which I don't really need since I only ever eat at the MUC and Adam's), I don't really have much spending money, but the money that I do I really need to save for emergencies. This is going to be very hard for me because I love shopping and getting new things, but right now I can't really afford that kind of stuff. This is just something I have to deal with.

3. I need to be more health conscious. I know, I know...this is the most cliche New Year's resolution ever, but I really do need to start. I haven't quite gained my freshman 15, but I definitely do not plan on making it that far. This resolution also includes working out. There is an awesome facility at school, and Adam has some stuff at his house. I really need to use my resources.

Oh, resolutions. I wonder how long these will last? It is really more about changing your lifestyle than anything. What do you guys plan to do this new year?


Thursday, January 1, 2009

This is weird.

Last night, around midnight, everyone in my family went to bed. We stayed up for the Illinois New Years, then everyone just kinda fell asleep. That's not a big deal.

The big deal is that we were all supposed to be up and ready by 11:15, so we could leave to go do touristy stuff. My family is big on getting up and being on time on vacations. Especially my dad. I woke up around 10:30 to my mother getting back into bed. She was dressed, showered, hair and make up done, but was getting back in bed. Nobody else was awake. Not even my dad. It is 11:00 now and everyone is still sleeping.

It's kinda freaking me out.
This doesn't normally happen.


Wednesday, December 31, 2008

'You know why they put oxygen masks on planes?'

"Oxygen gets you high. In a catastrophic emergency, you're taking giant panicked breaths. Suddenly you become euphoric, docile. You accept your fate. It's all right here. Emergency water landing - 600 miles an hour. Blank faces, calm as Hindu cows."

Well, we're here. Woke up at 3 AM, drove to St. Louis, left at 9. The first flight was hell. It actually made me cry. I know, I'm a wimp, but when you're thousands and thousands of feet in the air and your biggest fears are heights and free falling, and its so windy that the plane is shaking and the landing is awful, well, I think I deserved to be a wimp.

Second flight wasn't near as bad, and it was on a bigger, more comfortable plane. I'm still not looking forward to flying home, but I don't have to worry about that until Sunday morning. Only <96>

We arrived in Arizona around 1 Arizona time, that is 2 Illinois time. We drove through parts of Phoenix, which looked kinda cool, but we couldn't really find anywhere to eat after that. We ended up at a diner called Black Bear Diner or something, and it had amazing cheeseburgers. Mmmm. =] The weather was an incredibly pleasant 70-75, no humidity at all. It was awesome. Everything is dead here, though, and it kinda bothers me that there is no grass.

We left the diner around 3:30, and showed up at the hotel around...5? Maybe. We're up in the mountains where there are elk and deer and there is snow and it is very very chilly. 7,000 feet in Flagstaff is a lot different than sea level at Phoenix. [I don't actually know if Phoenix is at sea level, but you know what I mean.]

I'm sitting in the very nice hotel now with my family watching Scrubs and waiting for Dick Clark to turn on. This is honestly the saddest New Years I have ever had. I'm 1000 miles away from my loving boyfriend, and both of my sick puppies. Lady is puking because of her pain medicine, and that really worries me. Hank has a mild case of kennel cough, and he is miserable. I wish I could be there with Adam to keep Hank comfortable.

I just wish I was home to spend my favorite holiday with my favorite person. Not that I don't love my family, by any means...but I just feel like something is missing this time.

Have a safe and happy New Year, everyone!

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Sooo much.

I haven't posted in a very long time, and I apologize for that. This past week has been crazy. Christmas came and went, and I spent the whole time with Adam. He finally met my parents, and they seemed to like him, which is good! We spent an entire 3 days together just going to family Christmas parties. Our families are both so much fun, but I'm glad the holidays are finally over. As a present to ourselves, Adam and I got another puppy. =] His name is Hank and he's a 4 month old, 30 pound Great Dane/Lab mix.

He's the perfect addition to our little family, and we love him. Azzy is learning to get along with him just fine, but she's still the queen bee!!

Amanda just left a few days ago, she and her family came to spend the weekend with us. I haven't had Amanda time in a while, and it was awesome. Her boyfriend, Jason, came with her, and that was pretty cool. They seem to like each other a lot. It was definitely good to catch up with her, even if we didn't get to spend a long time alone. We did go shopping in Decatur, (woo...!) so that was girl time in itself.

Saturday afternoon was a little bit exciting. Illinois weather is very weird, and it was a crisp 50 something degrees outside, after being freezing for a while. This odd warm front brought rain and tornadoes. In winter. The end of December. A tree snapped in half right outside of our house, and we have a hole in the siding above our garage. Thankfully, nobody was hurt, and there wasn't un-fixable damage. The melted snow is causing some problems with the sewer system, which is very unfortunate because we have a lot of laundry to do before we leave tomorrow.

I am being forced to go to Arizona with my family. Over New Years. 1,602 miles from my boyfriend. Over New Years. With my family. In Arizona. Needless to say, I am not looking forward to this at all. I wouldn't mind, really, except I thought I had a choice. Dad asked me if I wanted to go, I said I'd think about it. The next day, I don't have a choice. I even have to get on a plane. If anyone knows me well enough, they know that heights and a fear of free falling make me sick. Airplanes don't fare well with me. And we are only allowed to take one huge suitcase between the 5 of us. One. For my whole family. Basically, this is a big disaster of a "family vacation", and I'm counting down the hours until I am home and with Adam again. (120, give or take 12 hours. I'm not sure when we are leaving to come home.)

Mom and I took Lady to the vet yesterday because she hasn't been eating for about a week. I was really worried that they would find something life threatening like kidney failure or thyroid problems, but they called this morning and all of her blood and urine tests came out fine. We have started thinking it is her teeth that are bothering her, because she is quite old and her teeth are beginning to weaken and rot. They gave her some pain medicine that seems to be working, and she has been snacking on eggs for a few days. We are going to pick up some canned dog food for her so maybe she can start eating again.

I am stoked for school to start again, which is weird for me. But basically, I am going to only have classes on Tuesdays and Thursdays, and I'll be at Adam's Thursday night-Monday evening on most weekends. I'm very excited to start new and fresh this next semester. I don't think it will be near as hard as my first semester. I can only try my absolute hardest, though, and see what comes of it!

I hope everyone had a great holiday, and I'll resume posting per usual. =]

Friday, December 19, 2008

Remember yesterday...

when I said I liked being home?
Yeah, I lied.

The Benld Adopt-a-Pet was supposed to call me an hour ago so I could go pick up the puppy. I haven't seen Adam in a while, and I'm sick of sitting around in this damn house.

I'm so ready to go back to school so I can see him whenever I want. I hate staying home with nothing to do but clean, which is really all that is expected of me.

Today is not a good day.

Thursday, December 18, 2008

My tummy is grumbly, but I just ate!

I love being home. It is so relaxing. I really have nothing to do today. I ran errands for my mom this morning, and now I'm home sitting with a blanket and my laptop and some orange juice watching What I Like About You re-runs. Haha. Ohhh, the Christmas season.

I went to Target and Walmart today for my mother. Let me just tell you, I'm glad it was me and not her. If it had been her, it would have been the most stressful thing ever, because she's always on the go. I had absolutely nothing to do today, so it actually didn't bother me that it took a long long time, and that most of it was just waiting in line. Target wasn't so bad, but I did run into someone who I haven't seen in a long time. It is always a problem when you see that one person you haven't seen in forever, but they're with their girlfriend so you can't go say hi because she hates you because you and her boyfriend used to have a thing.


It was one of those things.

The weather is supposed to be bad today, but it isn't even cold out or snowy or anything. I'm hoping that the roads stay clear, because if they do then I'm headed to Benld tomorrow to pick up me and Adam's puppy!! =] The adopt-a-pet still needs to call me, so keep your fingers crossed that we get approved! I'll be sure to post about him ASAP, if that happens.


Sunday, December 14, 2008


I have nothing to write about.

I'm sorry.


Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Things I hate part II.

Gaining weight.

Everyone does it, it is expected of 19 year old college girls. The only problem I have is that I can only fit into 2 pairs of jeans right now, and one of those pairs doesn't go with everything.
It doesn't bother me at all that I've gained weight. I'm by no means overweight, I'm probably pretty normal, but its the clothing that bothers me. I've learned to embrace my slight curves, and that is a huge step for me. Now if only all of my other clothes would grow with me instead of shrink every time I wash them.
